Training & Coaching


Peeple does not only provide experienced analists, but also trainers who, because of their vaste experience,  can get human domain centric skills, methods, techniques and knowledge across, including our Peeple 4diMENSions method and the concepts it holds. Would you, as an organization, like to produce better human domain, human centric or information environment analysis internally? Would you like to enhance your decision making proces and draw more precise conclusions after extensive research and Data Mining? Would you like to know different appproaches to develop strategy, communicate better and more efficiently with more specific target audiences,...?

Peeple can share her proven methods with your organization from A to Z through established training packages and courses (see our course catalogue for more details), or tailor training and courses specifically to your needs. Such training sessions can be designed on a variety of topics (non exhaustive):

  • Specific human centric analysis tools developed for specific purposes or subtasks
  • seperate modules or parts of our analysis processes (Peeple 4diMENSions),
  • methods for evaluation & measurement of performance, effectiveness and efficacy,
  • Field Data Collection and social research techniques,
  • Interpersonal communication, interviewing techniques, negotation strategies and techniques, mediation,
  • ...

Pending your preferences the training can be designed with an emphasis on theory, it can be practical and highly dynamic or it can be a balanced combination of both. We can draw from our extensive database of exercise scenario's, role plays and case studies or we can design them specifically to best match your needs.


Besides education and training Peeple can also provide coaching. Our experienced practicioners can team up with your staff and employees in their day-to-day working environments anywhere in the world.

PN / P R O J E C T

Negotiation - Crisis Negotiation - Mediation

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